Kharsag Epic No 1: The Arrival of the Anannage – Commentary B

When the basic work had been completed, or perhaps when the harvest was in, they all took time off to feast and make merry. And we are told that some had their wives with them - but these were probably only the local tribesmen.

This was Archadian idyll- this was the Garden in Eden in its earliest days. This was the perfect, peaceful scene; but we know that it was not to last. From the following Epic, we learn that sickness overtook the Settlement; and from the alternative Hebraic account, it will be learnt that the next reinforcements of angels [the Watchers] were to bring terrible troubles to the Lowlands. In the Epics which follow, further troubles occur - mounting to the final, awful destruction. But, for the present, there is an air of peace, plenty, and good fellowship that inspired the chronicler to heap praise on the alien benefactors.
Towards the end of the last Epic, there occurs this pregnant phrase: In this land - this created place ...
The emphasis, here, is meant to draw attention to the specific reference to creation. It is from ancient comments of this kind, that the religious concepts of the 'gods', or God, creating Earth, came to be adopted. At Kharsag, the Anannage did create the fields. the plantations and the Settlement - before their arrival there were no such amenities - but they did not create the land, Itself. We still carry the misunderstanding in our language, today, with earth - the soil in which we grow our food - being synonymous with Earth, the planet on which we live.
When it is realised that the Highlands of Eden were referred to as 'heaven' by ancient chroniclers, and the adjacent Lowlands as 'earth', the limited creation of 'heaven' and 'earth' becomes perfectly understandable.