Standard Units of Measure Based on the Golden Mean
in Use World Wide from 9,000 BC

The Remen Measuration Rectangle

In The Sphinx and the Megaliths, John Ivimy drew attention to the work of Else Christie Kielland, who set out to discover the rules by which the formalised Art of Ancient Egypt was governed. She found that the factor that most commonly controlled these compositions was a Geometrical Construction for the Derivation of Phi «I» - of which the framework was a 2 units by 1 unit rectangle and its diagonal shown below:

Ivimy recognised that this construction was used more widely than just in Egypt, but thought it was confined to Britain outside the Mediterranean Littoral. By Recourse to this 2 X 1 Rectangle, Ivimy discovered a Geometrical Relationship between the Archaic Measurement Quanta of the Remen, Royal Cubit and Megalithic Yard accurate to 0.026%. As shown by our work this understates the phenomenal accuracy actually achieved by ancient surveyors, by a Considerable Margin

Remen = 0.370 14 m
Royal Cubit = 0.523 46 m
Megalithic Yard = 0.82 75 m
Megalithic Mile = 1430.02 m
The ratio of GF over GD above = 1.618037 = phi ratio

Remen Related Quanta Determined from Measurements at Ancient Sites - 1

From The Genius of the Few by Christian and Barbara Joy O'Brien